Agency Engagement Update

Thank you to our government agencies!

When we explain to stakeholders that Tahoe Lead Removal Project requires approval from 7 federal, state and local government agencies, we get a range of responses. Questions, some skepticism and occasionally doubt

Assumptions are made about timing, efficiency, and perceived difficulty to generate momentum

Our experience to date couldn’t be further from those apprehensions! Since formally reaching out in late May, we’ve already had personel from 6 of the 7 agencies engage with us. Furthermore, its gone well beyond just confirming receipt - they’ve provided feedback on our approach, details on precedents, offered to meet in person, and laid out the process in depth with accompanying resources. In short, we’re been blown away!

A huge thank you to all the agencies for your time and consideration as our community takes tangible steps to push for the removal of 8+ miles of inactive lead cables in Lake Tahoe. This includes:

  • Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
  • California State Parks
  • State Water Resources Control Board
  • California State Lands Commission
  • California Department of Fish and Wildlife
  • US Army Corps of Engineers
  • USDA Forest Service

We know that the road ahead will have plenty of twists and turns as we aim for a Spring 2025 removal. Regardless of those developments, we’ll remain grateful for the collaborative approach of our government partners. We also appreciate all the work done over the years by other parties to prove this project is possible

Hopeful that in sharing this outstanding experience that more people won't make assumptions about government engagement, and at least take the steps to reach out. There are many directly applicable resources and projects that already exist. You just may find, as we have, that those serving the public bring significant management expertise and passion, especially when it comes to sustainability

As posted on LinkedIn

Join the movement

Turn your love for Lake Tahoe into Action by supporting cleaner waters for all.

Have questions? Book a meeting.

Push for removal

Add your name to our growing list of those standing up for a cleaner Lake Tahoe. Every signature counts.

  • Influence real change
  • Make your stance known
  • Combine forces to amplify impact
Sign the petition

Support the movement

State your intent to contribute to this project to remove the lead cables.

  • Directly fund cable removal
  • Only pay when we're approved to begin removal
  • See tangible change with each dollar
Make a pledge